
Data-driven wellbeing as a corporate advantage

Written by Daisy Crichton | Jan 30, 2024 10:38:40 AM

In today's fiercely competitive job market, companies are seeking innovative approaches to attract and retain top talent. One crucial aspect is prioritising employee wellbeing and offering a diverse but well-rounded range of health benefits. This blog examines how integrating Thriva's diagnostic testing technology into an employee benefits programme can give companies a significant edge in recruitment and retention, resulting in a healthier and more engaged workforce.

The link between work and wellbeing

It is estimated that we spend close to a third of our waking lives at work; stress, fatigue, sleeplessness, anxiety, and weight gain are just a handful of symptoms that can be worsened by our work schedules, projects, and commitments. So it is unsurprising to see recent research by the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) indicating that the average rate of employee absence has increased. It now stands at 7.8 days per employee per year, up from 5.8 days in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings raise questions around the efficacy of employee health and wellbeing initiatives being rolled out across the globe. Could corporate leadership teams be doing more to effectively leverage the valuable insights obtained from analysing aggregated employee biodata helping them make more informed organisational decisions?

Closer to home, a large percentage of UK employees face health-related challenges that have a significant impact on their work performance. In 2023, The Health Foundation reported that there are currently 3.7 million people living with a health condition that is ‘work limiting’ — meaning that the condition directly impacts the type and/or amount of work they can do. This figure is said to have increased by 1.4 million over the past decade, highlighting the scale of this growing problem. The need for support and resources to manage employee health and wellbeing at work has never been more critical — but how are employers responding and what can they do to affect change? 

Embracing a data-driven approach

Taking a data-driven approach is one way for Human Resource & Occupational Health teams to gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall health of their workforce and its circadian rhythms. Illness-related absence rates alone do not provide the complete picture. Instead, metrics such as occupational health referrals, employee engagement rates, and stress risk assessments offer a more holistic understanding of the factors driving both absence and attendance within organisations. 

Employers can monitor the adoption of healthcare products and services by employees to pinpoint gaps in coverage, and refine and update their offerings to remain relevant and aligned with the specific needs of their workforce. This approach ensures that budgets are allocated economically, allowing employers to better optimise the wellbeing support they invest in and ensure that initiatives bring maximum benefit to those that use them, with the highest impact. Analysing aggregated health data not only helps identify potential health issues before they escalate but also contributes to a reduction in absenteeism and a boost in overall productivity.

This has been aided by the rise of personalised healthcare solutions, driven largely by the growing popularity of wearable technology. It is transforming how individuals approach their health with employees now seeking more choice and flexibility when it comes to selecting healthcare services offered to them as part of their employment packages. While traditional annual health assessments can be inconvenient and lack actionable advice, regular health screening, such as blood testing, can provide real-time data that empowers individuals to take a more active role in their health management based on their specific needs. With regular blood testing, employees can build a fuller picture of their health status and track their progress against their health goals over time. In our increasingly interconnected society, the interoperability of anonymised and aggregated data points like this could hold the key to positively reshaping the world of corporate health.

The power of aggregated biodata in diabetes management

As we’ve mentioned above, through monitoring anonymised, aggregated biodata for trends and insights, organisations can identify potential health issues in their workforce before they escalate. Let's consider diabetes as one example. Monitoring HbA1c levels through regular blood testing is crucial not only in managing the condition but also in detecting any potential predisposition in pre-diabetic individuals or those with undiagnosed conditions. 

Recent studies suggest that diabetes currently costs the NHS over £1.5m/hour, which means that over £25,000 is being spent on the condition’s management every minute. However, its financial implications are not limited to the country's healthcare system. Research seems to indicate a correlation between increased economic costs and absenteeism, with estimates suggesting that diabetic individuals have a sickness absence rate 2 - 3 times higher than those not affected by the chronic condition. Given that the prevalence of diabetes is expected to rise to affect more than 4 million people by 2025, it seems imperative that companies should be offering ways for employees to proactively measure specific biomarkers associated with their metabolic health. 

Thriva's diagnostic technology as a corporate advantage

At Thriva, we're passionate about empowering people to live longer and in better health and we believe that employers have a crucial role to play in this. That's why our diagnostic testing platform is designed to seamlessly integrate with any existing organisational health plan or service, creating an ecosystem of connectivity that benefits both employer and employee. 

Our scalable platform uses convenient, finger-prick blood testing kits and an intuitive online interface to provide employees with the valuable insights they need into key health biomarkers. With this data, individuals can take a proactive approach to either optimising their health and performance, or improving concerning biomarkers that may lead to further health complications. Our mission is to help bridge the gap to keep people healthy and productive, both inside and outside of the workplace.

We understand that everyone's individual healthcare requirements are unique. That's why we offer a range of diagnostic health packages that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your workplace demographic providing you and your employees with peace of mind — together, we’re putting proactive, preventative diagnostic technology in your hands. Our intuitive test kits are easy to use and can be carried out in the comfort of one's own home, in one of our 160+ high-street clinics, or at work, making it convenient and hassle-free for employees to engage. 

Key features of Thriva’s Health Connect Platform

  • Tracking and trend analysis - empower your employees to monitor various health metrics over time. Tracking progress positively impacts motivation, encouraging sustained lifestyle changes that have long-term benefits. Regular aggregated and anonymised health data reporting is also available for organisations.

  • Bespoke GP insights - our in-house team ensures that a clinically credible commentary accompanies each set of test results, providing guidance and recommendations, including escalations through to care pathways integrated within your employee health plan.

  • Educational content - our consumer-facing HealthHub offers users valuable lifestyle insights on trending topics such as weight management, women’s/men’s health and nutrition to help employees stay informed and ahead of the curve. We can also signpost to any internal knowledge base should this be a requirement.  

Strategies to combat employee absences effectively

To combat employee absences effectively, it's important to take a comprehensive approach to your corporate healthcare offering. Here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Revamp and enhance benefit programmes - conduct regular audits to identify gaps in coverage and engagement, focusing on utilisation and value for money. Provide customisation and flexibility for employees to choose services that align with their health goals and preferences.

  2. Diversify health-related products and services - consider expanding offerings beyond traditional healthcare to include mental health support, fitness programmes, diagnostic testing, and nutritional counselling. This will provide employees with a well-rounded range of benefits that can help them stay healthy, motivated, and provide them with the right tools to help prevent or identify as many common health conditions as possible.

  3. Promote a top-down culture of health and wellbeing - encourage leadership advocacy for a healthy lifestyle and always consider inclusivity amongst your teams for all activities and services that you’re implementing.

  4. Conduct employee engagement surveys and feedback sessions - regularly gather feedback from employees and identify areas for improvement. Provide confidential channels for employees to share their thoughts, as this will help you better understand their needs and preferences. 

Implementing these strategies can help you create a more effective corporate healthcare offering. By doing so, you can increase employee engagement, reduce health-related absences, and obtain valuable data to ensure that you are on the right track. Our goal is to help you provide a comprehensive healthcare solution that delivers optimal value to your organisation and employees.

Want to learn more? Contact a member of the Thriva Solutions team today.